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If you are looking for a BPM consultant or BPM focused consulting firm, the BPM experts listing provides a searchable and detailed listing on both individuals and companies that offer various BPM consulting services.  The BPM Consultant Directory database can help you find a consultant in a given geography with specific certifications, skills and BPMS software product knowledge.

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Until our advanced search is available, you can use our simple text search.
You can enter Six Sigma or North America or IBM or Process Analyst for example.

Include no commas or special characters. Search is NOT case sensitive. Example: App matches 'App', 'Appian', and 'appian'.

This list is offered as a free service on behalf of our readers and members who would like to list. None of the organizations or individuals listed are endorsed by BPM Resource Center or its publishers (Straightforward Methods LLC). We can not be responsible for the accuracy of any of the information in the list. Users contacting or engaging with any party listed here should understand that they do so at their own risk.